800 characters of context from Furness's Variorum Edition (Volume II) - Hamlet Appendix

800 characters of context from Furness's Variorum Edition (Volume II) - Hamlet Appendix

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TA B L t!? OF C O ¾ Ti iY TS
Karpf ........ 336
Kean, Edmund ...... 25 I
Kemble, John Philip .... 245
Kellogg ........ 216
Kenny ........ I76
Klein ........ 296
Knight ........ 2o4
l½..oenig ........ 35 ø
Kreyssig ........ 3o2
Latham ........ 227
Lessing ........ 267
Lewes, George Henry .... 23o
Lewes, Mrs ........  76
Lichtenberg ........ 269
Lloyd .......... 207
Lowell ........ 22I
Ludwig ........ 344
Mackenzie ........ I48
Macready ...... 25I, 255
Maginn ...... 162, 202
March ........ 86
Marquarcl ........ 292
Maudsley ........ 23I
Meadows ........ 225
M6zires ........ 383
Minto .......... 184
Moberly ........ I79
Montagu, Mrs ...... 46
Mzley ........ I74
INsroes ancl Characters .... 236
No-Philosopher ...... 329
Oechelhaiiser ...... 340